Peligros del bicarbonato como blanqueador dental: obsesión por la sonrisa perfecta

Dangers of baking soda as a teeth whitener: obsession with the perfect smile

The myth of the nuclear white tooth:

Contrary to popular belief, tooth enamel is not white, but translucent. What we see is the dentin, which has an ivory tone. Factors such as tobacco or coffee can darken the enamel, leading to the use of whiteners.

Baking soda: effective but dangerous?

Baking soda is a popular bleach for everyday use. Its abrasive action wears away the enamel, leaving teeth whiter. However, this requires daily use and in inadvisable quantities, with an abrasiveness index of 7%.

Irreversible damage to the teeth:

Lourdes Santos, dentist, warns that home treatments with baking soda cause irreversible damage. The enamel does not regenerate on its own, which can cause:

    • Enamel erosion: loss of the tooth's natural protection.
    • Tooth sensitivity: pain when faced with external stimuli such as cold, heat or strong flavors.
    • Greater risk of cavities and other pathologies.

Obsession with aesthetics and misinformation:

A study from Tilburg University reveals the influence of social networks in the search for a perfect smile. Influencers, without being professionals, promote homemade solutions, ignoring health risks.

Safe alternatives:

Whitening treatments in dental clinics, performed by professionals, are a safe and effective alternative to obtain whiter teeth without health risks. So are specific treatments for teeth whitening for home use such as Dr. INUK's dental whitening strips .

It is very important before purchasing home whitening treatments that they are supported by efficacy and safety studies and that they are manufactured in the European Union. The majority of solutions that can be found on the internet are manufactured in China, using low-quality raw materials and sometimes even with ingredients prohibited for free sale, such as hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations.

So why do they put baking soda in toothpastes?

Basically for the price. Baking soda is extremely economical, making it the main ingredient used in popular whitening toothpastes.

There are other much better alternatives, such as hydroxyapatite. This mineral has the ability to not only whiten, but also remineralizes the enamel and prevents the appearance of cavities. This ingredient is used in premium toothpastes but when it comes to health, a quality toothpaste is one of the best investments you can make.


Health must be the priority. If we are looking for a whiter tone in our teeth, it is essential to use quality products and not use home methods that can lead to irreparable problems in our enamel.


    • Tooth enamel does not regenerate on its own.
    • Home baking soda treatments can be dangerous and cause irreparable damage.

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